Blogpost #22
10: The Omniscience of God and His Solution for Eliminating Evil
Some animals eat everything. We call them omnivorous.
Some people think they are almighty; they have even declared
themselves to be gods. But, then they die...and so does their claim
to being god. Some people think they know everything; we usually end
up calling them arrogant fools. Only the one, true and living God
knows everything. He alone is omniscient in the true sense of the
Most folks don't know that our word science is
taken from the Latin word scientia or knowledge. We usually
think of the word science in technical terms. We think of
physical science or botanical science. It limits our knowledge to one
area. But, when we add omni- (Latin for 'all') we get "all-knowledge" or omniscience. By definition, this term can
only be applied to one, all-knowing, unique being, God.
But, what is the value of omniscience? Stop and
think about that for a minute. IF you could have omniscience
for a day, how would it benefit you? What would you do? How could it
benefit others?
The most obvious benefit would be the ability to know
the future. In the minds of most people, this would seem to be of
enormous value. To know the future has an instant appeal. Just
yesterday, some lucky soul won a $600 million dollar lottery. The
odds were 175,000,000 to 1. If you had omniscience, you would have
known the winning numbers and also won the lottery. The history of
lottery winners would seem to indicate this might not be the blessing
it would seem, but I doubt you could convince the winner of
least not right now.
The point is, omniscience removes the risk (though
not the responsibility) from every decision. If you already
know the outcome, playing the lottery is not a gamble. Omniscience
knows every outcome...and every potential outcome. It knows every
option and the inward thoughts of every person who has the potential
to affect that outcome. When you combine this with the thousands of
decisions and possible decisions and the knowledge of the inner
thoughts, attitudes and motivations of 6 billion+ people, (every
day!)... it becomes pretty mind-boggling! But, that's what it means
to be omniscient.
It's one thing to contemplate all the possible
advantages and positive and profitable options which a day with
omniscience might bring, but there's also a "dark side".
With the knowledge of all the good things, also comes the knowledge
of all the bad things.
The Dark Side of Omniscience
You would know if there's going to be a terrorist
bombing in the world tomorrow...and where it would be. You would know
if a young, runaway girl is going to be abducted and sold into sex
slavery. You would know how many babies would be born in a failed
abortion and murdered on the table. You would know the depth of
government corruption and who the real culprits are. You would know
every angry word spoken, every act of unfaithfulness, every lie and
deception, every burden each person carries and every cry for help.
What would you do with this knowledge? What could you do?
You might think that you should use this knowledge to fix things, to solve the world's problems. While your
thoughts and desires may be benevolent and charitable, the fact is,
you could do very little. Knowledge is not power,
unless you have the power to act and change things.
Omniscience does not give you the power to act and change
things. But, let's assume for a minute that you do have the
power to act and change things. What would you do? Would you act to
solve all the world's problems? How exactly would you do that? What
would be your plan and strategy? What you're really saying is that
you would want to remove "evil" from the world. That sounds
noble. But, how would you do it?
IF you will stop for a minute and actually think through
what you might do, you'll be amazed at how little you might be able
to accomplish! Unless you resort to simply annihilating everyone you
perceive as "evil", you won't make much progress. And, by
the way, don't be surprised to find out you're likely to be
eliminating a lot of folks whom you thought were pretty good folks!
Remember, the Bible teaches that there is "none righteous,
not even one"!
But, if you have the knowledge of what is evil and the
power to act and change things, don't you have the responsibility to
act and eliminate it? This question has plagued philosophers and
theologians for centuries. In its simplest form, the question is: How
can a good God allow evil to exist? The fact is plain to all that God
has apparently chosen not to eliminate evil and suffering. Is
that true? Let's think about it.
The Burden of Responsibility
God has all-knowledge. He has always had
all-knowledge. Therefore, He knew before time began that evil would
come, yet He allowed it. We don't know all about evil, but we know
enough to know how ugly, how vicious, how cruel it can be. Why would
God allow it? And, now that it's here, why doesn't He step in and
eliminate it? He has the power and knowledge necessary to eliminate
all evil, but He doesn't do it. Why?
Actually, at one point, He did. Remember there was a
time on earth when God looked into the thoughts of men and saw that
they were "only evil continually". Evil so permeated the
minds and thoughts of men that righteousness could not survive. A
child born into the world would be so surrounded by evil that they
would be consumed by it. So God destroyed the world by a mighty
flood. Only one man, Noah, and his family, survived. And they only
survived because Noah was deemed righteous and obeyed God when
He told him to build the ark.
But, it wasn't long before the sad truth was revealed
that destroying mankind did not destroy evil. Mankind needed more
than a new start. He needed a new heart. The seed of evil was in
every man and that was the source of the problem. The hearts of men
were polluted by their rebellion against God. Evil was man's choice
and God had granted him the right to choose. The choice was free, but
it came with consequences..and consequences can be costly.
It's important to remember that in the beginning, Adam
knew God. He was comfortable being in His Presence. Adam and God were
both righteous. But, that friendship could only last if Adam
"honor(ed) God as God". God had given Adam a command
so that there would never be a question about who had the right to
rule on earth. Adam's dominion on the earth was real, but limited. He
was a man under authority. He had the power to choose whether he
would obey God and enjoy continued blessing, or rebel against God.
When Adam rebelled, that all changed. Now all men know good and evil,
but they do not know God!
Man was now a prisoner of his sin, what could God do?
What would you have done? Remember, you can't
just undo the past, and as God, you have a righteous and holy character
which demands justice, so how do you solve the dilemma of man? He
must be punished. Actually, that's not quite accurate. Sin must be
A godly minister I met with the other day shared how he
shocked a congregation he spoke to when he said, "God doesn't
forgive sin. He punishes sin. Always. No exceptions." At first,
that may sound a bit heretical, but it's not. God can't just forgive
sin. It must be punished. The punishment is death. That punishment is
never waived, it is always demanded. Thankfully, God does
forgive sinners. But, He can only do so because the debt of
punishment has already been paid by another. He can forgive me
only because Christ died in my place.
But God in His omniscience knows that simply forgiving
me of my sins doesn't solve the problem of evil in me
(the Noah problem). It means the wrath of God no longer abides
on me and that is a great blessing! Tragically, many stop here, as
if that were the whole message of the Gospel. But, it's only the
beginning. The true gospel has the power to change me.
Stop and think about this.
If God's plan were to offer His Son to pay the penalty
for the sins of all mankind, but leave their sin-filled hearts and
souls unchanged, would that not be an enormous tragedy, a senseless
waste of a beautiful life? We would still be the sinful, selfish
monsters we always were. The only difference would be that we
wouldn't be accountable for our sins! It would make a mockery of the
death of Christ.
If we were left unchanged, we could have no fellowship
with God. We would have no desire for it. There certainly could be
no love relationship; evil men do not love God. They can't. They are
His enemies. Sadly, this is what the advocates of "cheap grace"
(those who offer salvation with no real repentance and no new birth)
unwittingly promote.
But God, in His omniscience, saw the entire
need of men and made total provision. He granted that the Son would
have a company of "saints" who would share not only the
death He died for the punishment of their sins, but they would also share in
His resurrection to a new life, a new birth. They would have God's Holy
Spirit literally indwelling their spirits and transforming them
into the likeness of the Son of God Himself. One day, when the
preparations are finally completed, they shall be fit to join Him
forever in His Kingdom, where only the righteous dwell.
The question which the Gospel of Jesus Christ presents
to all men now is simply this: You know good and evil. But, do you
want to know God? Do you see your sin as evil? Do you want to be free
of it so that you can seek God or do you want to continue in your sin
and rebellion?
In His omniscience, God has given all men a new
choice. They can turn from their rebellion and enjoy all the
blessings of God or continue on the path to judgment. The choice is
The simple fact is that IF all men would turn to
Christ and follow Him, evil would be completely removed from the
earth. The only reason evil is still here is because men love the
This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world,
and men loved the darkness rather than the Light,
for their deeds
were evil. John 3:19 NASU
But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD,
so that you may proclaim the excellencies
of Him
who has called you out of darkness
into His marvelous
light;1 Peter 2:9 NASU
This message is so clear that those who read it will have to agree that there is a choice.