Friday, November 2, 2012

BlogPost #5: Living with Tozer's God

"This is the covenant that I will make...after those days, I will be their God, and they
shall be my people...for ALL will KNOW ME.” Heb 8:10-11

Who would you most like to know? (Pt. 2)

 Last time we finished thinking about an exercise to help you begin thinking about who God is in terms that are more natural and practical than we might normally do. I hope you took the time to think about what three people you would most like to know. Not just meet, but really get to know. And I hope you used the opportunity to ask your children the same question. The answers and the reasons why will likely give you some great 'launch pad' opportunities to what's going on inside their heads and, more importantly, their hearts.

Just for fun, I'll share my 'big three'. I chose one from three areas that play major roles in my life. First, from the 'Christian' realm, Billy Graham. This was a real toss-up between Graham and Martin Lloyd- Jones. When I want to know what a Scripture passage means, I want a man I know is truly 'Spirit-enlightened'. MLJ is the one I look to first. If he has spoken or written on it, I want to know what he sees. I chose Graham for his 'presence', more accurately 'His Presence'. What do I mean?

About 30 years ago I attended a BG 'school of the prophets' during a crusade he held in Kansas City. These were daily meetings that were held in churches for the encouragement of local pastors as the 'prep' work for the crusades were going on. It was the first time I'd attended one of these meetings. There were two speakers that morning. One was a very gifted Baptist pastor who led a very large church and was very well respected. He was very impressive...and truly a good man. He led off the meeting.

Then Dr. Graham got up to speak. It wasn't what he said, it was the 'presence' of the man that was awe-inspiring. As he began to speak, it was like the 'presence of God' was trying to fit into that church building...and it was just too small! It was overwhelming and I have never forgotten it. I would like to know the path he followed to get that close to God. I would like to know him.

The second man I'd like to know is Bobby Jones. If you're a golfer, enough said. If you're not, it would take too long to explain it.

The third man is Dr. Michael Burry. You likely don't know his name, but he was one of the few investor 'gurus' who predicted the demise of the housing/foreclosure crisis of 2008. His meticulous research uncovered the obvious fact that the boom would not last. He sees what others don't see. He also made his investors billions of dollars. I would like to learn how he sees things and know how he thinks.

Okay...now that you have your 'three', what happens next? How would it likely have to happen?

Beyond the 'Dream Stage'

To go beyond just the 'dream' stage, what would have to happen? Of course, the person we desire to know would have to demonstrate a willingness to have a relationship with us. How would they do this? Well, they might just say, "Would you like to get together and....?". Or, they might say something like 'I'm going to do this _____, would you like to come along and join me?".

It's most often in the 'doing things together' that you get to know people best. Their true 'value' or greatness usually comes out in the context of doing whatever it is that makes them great. But, it's also important to see 'behind the curtain'. To really get to know them, you need some understanding of why they are the way they are. What makes them 'tick'? What gets them up in the morning? What's their passion? It's no different with God...or His Son.

When the men who would later be chosen as His disciples first saw Jesus, they realized there was something special about Him. The disciples wanted to know Jesus, what made Him 'tick'? How did He do what He did? More than once, they had to ask themselves, 'Who is this person?'.

How did Jesus respond? He chose twelve men to be with Him. They spent the next three years getting to know Him just like they would anyone else: learning His ways, His passions, His motives. And, eventually, they saw who He really was, God, in human form.

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'He chose twelve men to be with Him. They spent the next three years getting
to know Him just like they would anyone else: learning His ways, His passions,
His motives. And, eventually, they saw who He really was, God, in human form.'

The Relationship Jesus Offers?

How did the Lord Jesus Christ let the disciples (and all of us eventually) know that a personal relationship with Him was possible? (And remember, as the Scriptures reveal it, 'he who has seen Me has seen the Father')... therefore, to know Jesus is to know God.

Jesus' approach was quite simple. First, He 'called' them. His 'call' was simple. 'Come to Me', 'Follow Me'. The key to 'knowing' Him would be to 'follow Him'. Would they do that? Surely, like all of us, they had pressing obligations and responsibilities, bills to pay, children to raise, PTA meetings to attend, nets to mend, groceries to grow...you get the picture. But, He said, 'Follow Me'.  These men were chosen, the question now was, will they follow Him? The Bible records the answer, they 'left all to follow Him'. What did they get? They got to know Him!

God said to His people..."You shall seek Me and you shall find Me when you search for Me with all your heart." And again in the N.T., "He who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." Many never seem to 'get it'. If you're 'seeking Him', then He is the prize you seek! Intimacy with God comes with diligent seeking. If you're seeking Him to get something else, this is the textbook definition of idolatry. Not a smart move!

Many never seem to 'get it'. If you're 'seeking Him', then He is
the prize you seek! Intimacy with God comes with diligent seeking.

In real life, does something which is truly 'precious' ever come cheap? Not usually. Do we think the opportunity to know God is going to be a function of chance, like you just got 'lucky'? No. It's always a function of responding in faith/trust in what He says and obedience to it in the circumstances and opportunities which God gives us to experience His involvement in our lives. This is New Testament Christianity. It's not an organization, it's a faith/trust union.

According to the Apostle Paul, to have vital, living intimate knowledge of the Lord Jesus is of 'surpassing value', of such value it makes all other opportunities in life 'rubbish' (i.e. of no value) by comparison. To know Jesus Christ, the Creator and Sustainer of the entire universe, to know that He was willing to give His life for one who was a devoted enemy and persecutor of all that He died for, that He still loved Paul and desired to be His intimate friend...it was a life-changing moment for Paul...and we still reap the rewards of his blessings. 
The question is, do we see the same value in Him? Do we see Him of the same worth as Paul did? Do we want to? Do we care? What are we willing to sacrifice in order to have this kind of intimate knowledge of Him? To have the opportunity of a close personal friendship with the Son of the living God? Do we really want that?

One of the primary blessings of the New Covenant which Christ secured for us was the divine promise that those who put their whole-hearted trust in Christ for salvation would 'know God' and be His special people. This promise occurs in both Old and New Testaments. First, to Israel, then to the Church. The idea of an intimate relationship with God, living in His very presence (especially if it's available to literally anyone!) would be a life-altering prospect. Even to those with an intimate knowledge of the O.T., this thought would be considered heretical at best. The Jewish religion simply didn't allow for that possibility. The truth is, this was God's plan all along. In a real sense, He wants to go back to Eden.

The Opportunity For Us: 'BFF'

Yes, it stands for 'best friends forever'. It's become a trite phrase in modern culture, but the idea is really quite appealing. It encompasses so many precious elements: love, loyalty, intimacy, companionship, together through 'good times and bad'. When you apply that concept to an intimate relationship with God, the opportunity is truly mind-boggling. Not only is forgiveness, cleansing and renewal possible, the door is open to knowing Him intimately, becoming a friend who will be closer than a brother, a counselor who can share the joys and sorrows because He can say, as we often do, 'been there, done that' (only in His case, He would say, 'Been there, overcame that'). He knows who we are (better than we do including all the 'hidden' things) and, in spite of all that, He offers what many talk about today, but none can deliver. He alone can and wants to be our 'best friend  forever'.

It's time to launch into Tozer's little gem. We'll begin where he does. If we're going to rise to the heights, we need to make sure the foundation is solid. Right thinking about God is essential to knowing God.

Ask yourself this question: What thoughts come into your mind when you think about God?

Think about it...until next time...

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