Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blogpost #18

Chapter 6: The Self-Sufficiency of God, Pt.2 ... "Pepaw and Prayer"

In the last post we saw that God is totally self-sufficient; He needs no one and no one can provide anything that He does not already have. Yet, He created us with constantly recurring needs and seemingly endless appetites. Why? Could He not have created us so that we didn't need Him, so that our lives would be instantly and permanently satisfied? Of course, He could. But He didn't. The truth is, we often act as if He has left us with no resources and that our only alternative is to find satisfaction on our own. But, that was our idea, not His.

God purposely created us with these needs so that we would be consciously, constantly aware of our ongoing need for Him; without His provision, we die. It really is that simple. It just seems that we are unwilling to see the obvious lesson.

So, why did He want us to need Him so much? The answer is clear, yet seems so overused, but it's still the best answer. It is because He loves us. Remember, He didn't need to create us at all. He did it for His own purposes. He did it to bless us and  share Himself with us. He did it this way to reveal His "Father's" love. But, we don't really begin to see this until we reach the New Testament.

God...as a Father?

The Old Testament reveals God primarily as Creator, as God Almighty, as Sovereign Ruler, and often as Judge. These are all awesome and glorious and, at times, fearful revelations of God. If we look at God in the Garden with Adam, we see that the desire and intent of God was an intimate relationship with His Creation. But, when that opportunity was lost, a different view of God had to be revealed. If God and man were to have an intimate relationship, men would have to learn to trust and obey God...and it was a much harder lesson to learn after Adam had rebelled.

God as a "Father" was a relationship concept that the Jews had never even thought of, let alone experienced. Indeed, it infuriated the Jewish leaders that any man could claim that God was His Father; it was blasphemy to them. Yet, this is exactly what the Gospel offers to all men! No longer was the great claim to be that "Abraham is our father". Now the uniqueness of the newly "chosen" people was not that "Abraham is our father", but that the "God of Abraham" would be their Father. This was incomprehensible!

To the Jews, this was an insurmountable obstacle. To a people who refused to even name the "Name" of God because they revered it as too holy, the idea of speaking to Him as "Papa" was inconceivable. In the end, the Jews were so consumed with their interpretations of what the Scriptures said, they could no longer hear the voice of God...nor could they recognize Him when He came into their midst and spoke to them. It's really a scary scene. But, their loss is our gain; their refusal to accept the Son was a rejection of the Father also. But, God's ultimate purpose is not to be thwarted by man.

"The Word of God and Prayer"

The all-supreme, all-sufficient God did come into their midst. Why? Because His ultimate purpose in creating them with the need to depend on Him was to lead them into the most intimate relationship possible, that of a Father and His child. God has always longed for this intimacy. He delights in providing for every need. And He has determined not to be denied this relationship, no matter the cost....even to the giving of His Son. To know this experience is the birthright of every born-again believer in Christ.

The apostle John opens his first epistle with the reminder of his own experience of this with the Lord and the fulness of joy that it offers. But what is the essence of that experience of "joy"? He says in v. 3, "...and our fellowship is with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ." And please note, this is not John's reminder of a past memory. This is a current, ongoing experience. He is writing about it sixty years after the Lord has risen. The joyous fellowship with the Father and Son continues on. That's the point! That was God's goal all along, a living relationship with Him...and now the disciples are living it. But, how? How does it work?

Through the "Word of God and Prayer". To enjoy this fellowship, we have to have clear, living two-way communication. God speaks to us through His Word, we speak to God through prayer. Oddly, many folks seem to be trying to have this relationship without ever talking directly to the One who called us to it! So often this seems to be the challenge, always learning about this relationship, but never quite getting to the place of living it. This was the Jews' problem. The Lord exposed their hearts in John 5.

  39  You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about Me,  

40 yet you refuse to come to Me so that you may have life.
John 5:39-40 ESV

The "life" is in the Lord. We can only experience that "life" when we are joined to the Lord by His Spirit. The "Word" only becomes "alive" when we come to Him. Before that, it's just "knowledge." This is the danger of just knowing "truth", but never experiencing the life the Lord promised. But, how do we know we're "alive"? What are the signs of life?

Verifiable "Signs of Life"

When a new baby is born, there are verifiable signs of life. He cries, he gets hungry, he breathes, he needs the intimacy of the mother. What about the spiritual new birth? What are the signs of life of the "new birth"?

He's hungry as well; his food is the Word of God. The desire to "know God" is a sign of life. The desire for intimacy with Him, for contact is essential to his life. Prayer is the way God has ordained for us to enter into the intimacy of that relationship with Him as our Father. The life of the Lord Jesus clearly mapped this out for us. He was constantly coming aside to pray to the Father. This unique Father-Son relationship was the centerpiece of His life. His disciples saw it and that's why they asked Him to teach them how to pray. It will be the key to our lives as well, if we are to live the life God intends.

Keeping It Simple 
Keep It Alive

Sometimes we make our relationship with the Father more complicated than it should be. After all, how complicated is any relationship with a father and his child? Martin Lloyd-Jones makes the common sense argument that the only proof we need of this is to look at a young son with his father. Watch him. How does the son act? He wants to tell him everything! The fact that the father already knows all that he is telling him is of no consequence; the father loves hearing it. Why? Because his son is telling him, that makes it special! They are sharing "life". I discovered the simplicity of this in my own life.

My grandson is almost 3 years old. He calls me 'PePaw'. When we're together, he talks a mile a minute. He tells me everything on his mind. I haven't a clue what he's saying, I can't understand but a few words. Doesn't matter. He's telling me everything on his heart and we're sharing it together. That makes it special to me. That's all that matters.

Think about this the next time you go to pray...don't be afraid to be like a child. Go to your heavenly Father; tell Him everything on your heart...He will be delighted. It doesn't have to all make sense. He wants to share "life" with you, good and bad. And, as you share your concerns, remember there's nothing the all-sufficient Father can't fix. Prayer, in the intimacy of the Father and Son relationship, is how the All-sufficient God nourishes and sustains His life in us...and out of it will come eternal fruit.

7 On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God. 
8  Trust in him at all times, O people; 
pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.
Ps 62:7-8 ESV

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Blogpost #17

Chapter 6: The Self-Sufficiency of God...and its Link to Prayer

When we talk about self-sufficiency, what we're really talking about is life...what it is, where it is and how to sustain it. Life has to have a source. The essential question is simple: Do you or I have life in ourselves or do we depend on someone/something else to sustain us? The answer is obvious (we are totally dependent) and this is one of the fundamental differences between us and God. But, let's be honest. Does the fact that God is self-sufficient really matter to us? In practical terms, does it make any difference to us? If you give me just a few minutes, I think we can show you at least one reason it does matter.

Here's a fact of life: We need God. God does not need us.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that over the last 30 years, America has developed a culture that is fixated on trying to disprove this fundamental truth. The buzzwords that support this are everywhere: Botox, life extension aids, self-improvement programs, anti-aging lotions and potions, "look 10 years younger" and "turn back the clock". The only problem is you can't turn back the clock and you really are 10 years older. Some age more gracefully than others, but that doesn't change the facts. We have no control over our life.

Here's another fact of life: "All flesh is grass."

As much as we live in denial of it, it's true; we're all going to die. We have as much ability to sustain our own life as a blade of grass; we're hopelessly dependent. We ignore it and try to live as if it were not true...at least until we're forced to attend the next funeral of a friend or loved one...then we're forced once again to face the reality of how helpless we are to overcome the real enemies. Even the smallest.

Every year millions of us get hit with a cold or flu. Surprisingly, we can't seem to find a real cure for either one. Some might argue that we have antibiotics; they kill the bacterial "bugs". At best that's a band-aid solution. The "bugs" have learned how to adapt so that our antibiotics are no longer effective. The CDC just recently announced that the latest hospital "superbug" [called "CRE"] is resistant to every known antibiotic. In other words, it's incurable. At least 50% of the people who get it are dying. The truth is, IF God had not created us with an immune system, we would likely all be dead. Many experts are just waiting for such a "plague" to hit. At every turn, we are constantly faced with the reality that we are totally dependent beings. Our lives are filled with enemies. But, stop for a minute and try to define "life". It may not be as simple as you would think. What is "life"?

What is "life"?

At the most fundamental level, life is the ability to exist. Okay, so what do you need to exist? Your list would probably include: air to breathe, water to drink, sunlight for warmth, food for strength and nourishment. These are basic needs. Okay, which of them can you provide for yourself? The answer, in case you're not sure, is none! You can't provide any of it.

You might argue "I can grow my own food". Really? Think about it. Where did you get the seed? Who provides the water? You don't. Who provides the sunlight? You don't. The fact is unless God provides all these things, we all die. We have no ability to exist on our own. 

Even though the air is here and abundant, if God doesn't sustain the beating of our hearts, it won't do us any good. You may be fortunate enough to be able to improve the quality of your life with a few extra "creature comforts,"  but you can't sustain or extend your life...even one extra day.

Here's the point: We are totally dependent beings...and God purposely made us that way. He designed us with needs that keep us dependent. Why? So, we would always be conscious of our need of Him. The Bible doesn't keep us in the dark on this. Paul said it plainly in Acts 17; it was one of those obvious fundamental facts of life which Paul declared to the philosophers on Mars Hill: "in Him (the Creator) we live and move and exist (or have our being)..." ...Paul goes on to say, "...He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; 25 nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things;" Acts 17:24-25 NASU

And thus...Prayer

It seems like we miss the spiritual connection here. If God is totally self-sufficient and the source of all life and He created us to be totally in-sufficient to meet even our basic needs, how does He expect us to survive spiritually? How do I sustain my spiritual life? Our spiritual needs are constantly recurring just as our physical needs are. Earthly satisfaction is always temporary. How are we meant to exist? Is God just being mean and miserly, trying to keep us on a short leash by not giving us more independence? Are we meant to just survive spiritually or is there a way to thrive and prosper in this "new" life?

No one knows like the farmer how dependent we are on God  to provide the earthly  resources needed

(like rain and sun...and in the right amounts and at the right times!) to grow and harvest a crop. The seed we plant has the life in it, but it has to be planted in good soil and enabled to break down so that it can receive the soil nutrients necessary to grow and yield a good crop. All these processes are dependent on God's provision. Are the spiritual resources any less needed?

We often seem to forget the fact that we need the spiritual resources as much as physical ones. We need spiritual "water" and "the food that endures"; we need things that are eternally dependable, that never wear out. But, while God gives us the resources we need, they have to be "worked" to yield fruit. We seem not to realize that the tools and resources we need come simply and solely through "the word of God and prayer". Our "new life" in Christ means that His Spirit dwells in us, but this does not change our dependence on Him. He is simply the means by which all God's resources come to "life" in us.

But, is there an ultimate purpose to all of this? Why give us these "resources"? What is God doing? What does He want? We are often so fixated on our "salvation" and escaping damnation (which is understandable!) that we fail to realize the divine purpose in all this. Why did God save us? He saved us for Himself! The Scriptures say that "God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba ! Father!" [Gal 4:6 NASU] The goal of the Spirit indwelling us (with all the resources of God Himself) is to bring us into a living "Father-Son" relationship with God.

Next time we'll go into that relationship a little more. But, for now, let the magnitude of what the all-sufficient God has chosen to do for us capture your mind and heart. He needed nothing. He has everything. We needed everything, so He gave us Himself. This is how He turns our hopeless dependence into the greatest imaginable blessing!  The apostle John says it best:

                      "See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called
                        children of God; and such we are."                                        I John 3:1

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Article: "Avoiding Controversy" and The Darkening Line

We're going to take a break this week from Tozer's book to address an issue that concerns me because it seems to be happening more and more. It was only a momentary 'flash' in the media, but a local, well-respected Atlanta megachurch pastor disinvited himself to offer the inaugural prayer at President Obama's inauguration in January. Evidently, it was discovered that over ten years earlier he had preached a message that was deemed anti-homosexual. Sensing that a major media distraction appeared to be unfolding, the invitation was declined. The reason given was that he didn't want to be a distraction. We don't know if he was "encouraged" to do this or if it was totally his decision. One thing that concerned me was that there was no mention of whether his stance on homosexuality was still the same as when he preached the message that had angered the homosexuals.

A few weeks later I was sent several articles (by Pastor Michael Youssef and Rev. Al Mohler) which called out another local, Atlanta megachurch pastor, for concerns that he may be equivocating on his traditional, Biblical opposition to homosexuality. When the Pastor was pressed for a confirmation, he apparently refused to take a stand and referred the questioner to "the messages". It appears that these men are not necessarily abandoning their traditional, Biblical positions, but they do want to avoid the media harassment that surrounds the controversy and that seems to inevitably follow the one who takes such a stand publicly. The concerning thing is that we simply do not know what they believe about one of the most critical moral issues of our time.

Most recently, Tim Tebow (who most people know as one of the greatest college football players of the modern generation and is famous for his game-day Bible verse eyeshadow) declined to fulfill a speaking engagement at the First Baptist Church in Dallas, TX once the media "discovered" that the pastor of FBC Dallas was a strong opponent of the homosexual agenda. The reason given was that Tebow wanted to avoid the controversy.

Tebow appears to be a very godly, Biblically-sound Christian. His high, moral standards and unabashed testimony for Christ have angered some and thrilled multitudes! I love the guy's bold witness. The media is desperately hoping for another "Tiger Woods-style" moral collapse. The press "feeding frenzy" would be epic. The pressure he is under would be unfair to anyone. For Tebow, the argument that he needs to avoid controversy is likely totally legitimate. He is trying to make his way as an NFL football player, marketing QB skills that don't seem to quite fit the profile teams are looking for. Many teams who might otherwise be willing to give him a chance as a football player turn away because of the media circus that might follow him. It's a wise business move. He really doesn't need the unnecessary controversy. But, does that make it right?

"If God has given a man a national platform to be a witness to Him, 
can he justify abdicating that responsibility to testify to His truth just because it involves him 
 in a controversy in which he'd rather not get involved?"

Having said all that...there is still a "trend" here that concerns me. I understand that a man may feel "God hasn't called me to that ministry" or "If I allow that controversy to involve me, then I won't be able to fulfill the ministry that I believe I'm called to fulfill". It seems like a totally legitimate position. And, I would agree that to "go looking for a fight" is not the wisest approach to Christian ministry. But, is that the situation here? If God has given you a national platform to be a witness to Him, can you justify abdicating your responsibility to testify to His truth just because it involves you in a controversy in which you'd rather not get involved?

The polls show today that the majority of Americans are softening their opposition to legalizing the rights of homosexuals at every level. The Biblical position, which is the only sound basis for anyone's opposition is rarely raised anymore. Apparently, the church in America is at a total loss as to why it should oppose it. The reason normally heard is that the naturally-established, divine order is that marriage is between a man and a woman, period. While that is absolutely true, what is not heard (or at least very rarely) is that homosexuality should be rejected because God says it is sin, an "abomination" in God's eyes. Somehow, that no longer registers as a legitimate argument against it. Why is that? What does that say about our society? Nothing good, I'm afraid.

The Darkening Line

What is the function of a line? It separates, it provides a boundary, it distinguishes one area or position from another. Lines are essential to understanding. It lets us know where one thing begins and another ends. We function best in our relationships when the boundaries are understood and honored. We can only avoid transgressing boundaries when the lines distinguishing one area or position from another are clear. This appears to be happening among Christians. The line distinguishing what is truly Christian from what is not is clearly darkening.

A godly man who had ministered all over the world once said, "The most dangerous place in the world to be a Christian today is the United States". Some thirty years ago, when I first heard him utter these words, it appeared that America was beginning to abandon some of the essential Biblical truths which had distinguished Christians and America as a Christian nation. Today many are proudly proclaiming that we live in a "post-Christian" world. They truly believe we have outgrown the restraints Christianity provided. They call it "progress". What is the ultimate distinction? What marks the "line" between Christianity and that which is not Christianity? The simple answer: Truth.

"Christianity is not rocket science. But, it does claim to be "the Truth"...this means that
anything which conflicts or contradicts what the Bible clearly says is simply not the truth.
For those who have difficulty with absolutes, Christianity is their worst nightmare."

Sometimes we try to make things harder than they really are. Christianity is not rocket science. But, it does claim to be "the truth". To be "the truth" means that anything which conflicts or contradicts what the Bible clearly says is simply not the truth. For those who have difficulty with absolutes, Christianity is their worst nightmare. But, the Lord Jesus came and ministered to the simplest, most unsophisticated people...and they were able to grasp what He taught. He taught them truth, spiritual truth, eternal truth. They understood that to "follow Him" meant rejecting every other option and committing themselves to following Him fully... live their lives according to His truth with the result that their lives were wonderfully transformed...forever. It is equally true that those who rejected Him and His truth are condemned to an eternal punishment for their rebellion. This isn't an opinion. You may reject it...but, it is what the Bible clearly teaches and what it has been understood to teach for thousands of years.

Homophobia or Dei-Phobia?

Every time anyone voices opposition to homosexuality or the intrusion of the "gay agenda" into any point of everyday life, they are accused of being "homophobic". The implication is that anyone who does not endorse the "gay lifestyle" is somehow afraid of it and, therefore, guilty of discrimination. Those who present any active opposition are deemed "haters". This is all part of the current doctrine of "political correctness" which dominates so much of the legal and political culture we live in today. The whole system is designed to intimidate anyone into daring to take an opposing stand. It appears to be working. But, the strategy (and that's what it is) is based on propaganda and a totally false premise.

The only ones mounting any kind of a serious challenge to the homosexual agenda are those who hold a traditional, Christian view of marriage and the Scriptures. How have those who hold these beliefs ended up on the defensive? And, maybe more important, how can they respond in a Biblical way and change the dynamic of the argument?

First, we need to take ourselves out of the equation. What do I mean? As long as the opponents are allowed to present the argument in terms of "Us vs. Them" we will lose. And we should. Why?
It's not our battle. It's God's battle. He alone has the authority to decided what is right and wrong. If we allow ourselves to be anything more than a messenger, we are unnecessarily opening ourselves to conflict. Paul's admonition to us was "speak the truth in love". We speak the truth, not as our judgment, but as delivering God's warning. And we do it in a way that shows that we have the compassion of Christ and simply fear what will happen to them if they continue on the path they're on.

This is vitally important. Most Christians I know have no fear of homosexuals, we fear for them. We know and believe what the Bible says will happen to those who fall under God's judgment. We oppose what they stand for and want to do because the Bible tells us it is evil and will incur God's wrath.

I have no hate for "gays", but I do fear that if we allow our nation to become like Sodom and Gomorrah, there is nothing in the Scriptures that says we can escape the same judgment. The fear we have (or should have) is the fear of God, not the fear of homosexuals. And it is justified. It is the clear declaration of God's word that these people are headed into the judgment of God.

Here's a few examples:

"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals , 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God."
1 Cor 6:9-10 NASU

Lesson from this Verse: There are only two kinds of people in the world: the righteous who inherit the kingdom of God and the un-righteous who are doomed to an eternity separated from God in a place called Hell. While there are clearly many reasons you can end up in Hell, committing homosexual acts is undeniably one of them. There is no basis, at any point, for thinking it's "okay". God abhors it, period.

"You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination . 23 Also you shall not have intercourse with any animal to be defiled with it, nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it; it is a perversion." Lev 18:22-23 NASU

Lesson from this Verse: God (not us!) says that homosexual acts are abominations. If that is His view of them, we dare not make any attempt to mollify or modify His judgment. He is the Creator. He knows whether these acts are within the bounds of "righteousness" according to His values. He is the sole authority. You can reject this...but, there is a price to pay for rebellion. He makes this clear in Paul's letter to the Ephesians, as well as the letter to the Romans...

Eph 5:4-13
"For this you know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience."

Rom 1:20-28
"21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks...
24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them...
26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts ...28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper..." NASU
Lessons to Learn: A "depraved mind" is one which can no longer distinguish accurately between right and wrong. According to the Scripture, they got this way because God "gave them over to it"...He gave them over to their lust. When God finally "gives over" a people, the women as well as the men give in to the perversion of God's order. According to the Bible, homosexuality is a sign of God's judgment on a people; it's one of the final stages of judgment before they are destroyed. At this stage, the "depraved mind" begins to affect others who do not actively participate in it. How?

They begin to think it's no longer "wrong", they see those involved as "good people who just want to be free to love the one they want without being judged by others". At first they just want to be allowed to do what they want, but eventually they want others to approve their choice...this is where the perverted legal/political system of our nation is used to full advantage.

Once their "rights" are institutionalized into "law", then the Biblical claim of sin/immorality becomes moot. The issue is no longer whether its morally "right", the issue is whether it's legal. Right and wrong are determined by the law, not the law of God. God no longer determines what is right and wrong, man does. That's where we are today.

We know that history is filled with examples of nations whose path followed the one America is on now...and they always led to the same end: Destruction. One of the key elements allowing the nation to fail was the "leaders" who wanted to avoid the conflict which the controversy would bring if they opposed the "will of the people". They didn't want to be identified as the "opposition" to the growing political forces, it's a distraction from what they want to focus on in their own lives and ministries. Political correctness does not demand that you stop speaking, you can be quiet and do what you want. Your silence is as valuable to them as your support. But, if you do speak out, it must be in "support" of them or you will incur their wrath. This can be costly.

It appears that today more and more of our "leaders"want to avoid the cost of standing for the truth on this issue. They may not have abandoned their Biblical beliefs, but they are choosing to be silent so they can "avoid controversy". Not only does this confuse their followers, it abdicates a role that God ordained for them. If God gives you a broad, even national, platform to testify to Him, for you to decline to participate so you can avoid controversy is not a choice, it's cowardice. It's cowardice for the purpose of convenience. The line is darkening which distinguishes those who will stand for Christ at any cost and those who stand when it's convenient. Soon there won't be any confusion which side we are on. How timely and appropriate are the words attributed to Edmund Burke ...

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

© LifeSource Ministries 2013